
I know it is short notice but who is up for a team WOD this Saturday at 10:30am!!??! Well I will plan on having one ready and we will have a new feature on the website allowing you to sign up making the process a lot smoother. Thank you Hulk! CrossFit Kids class at 4:15 today!! There is no adult class at 4pm. Regular hours otherwise

TODAY at 5pm and Friday at 9am we will have a running clinic coached by our own 'speedy' Mary K. This will run (no pun intended) for about 20 minutes or so. Arrive early, warm up and open your hearts and minds.... Fridays WOD will involve running so everyone will have a chance to apply their new skills to the WOD.


Every Minute On the Minute For 16 minutes:

Even minutes "Squat" clean

Odd Minutes Power clean and jerk

You may add weight or decrease weight when necessary.

Your Goal is to max out on the movements.

Good luck and post your best/heaviest Clean, and Clean and Jerk to the whiteboard and WODHOPPER!