God blessed this world on August 26th 1953 (8/26/1953) with my friend and business partner Mike Pajor. I thank you buddy for your endless dedication to this awesome community that we have built. Lets do a WOD to honor our good friend Mike Pajor!
I asked Mike earlier to give me three of his favorite exercises. I know not all of them are his favorites or might even be his least favorites but here is the WOD for time:
800m row*
26 Toes to bar* Masters: Knees to elbows
19 Squat cleans 135/95 Masters: 95/65lb* 53 Over the bar Burpees!!!!*
Mike your gift in this workout is you may replace any exercise with one of your choice!
Post WOD conditoning:
30 GHD sit ups
30 Hip and back ext.
bike: 1 mile
Post times to WODHOPPER!!!!!