
MAX EFFORT Shoulder Press 5,3,3,1,1+

Or 5 rounds of 1-3 reps at 95% of base.



AMRAP in 10 minutes

3 Dumbbell Squat cleans 40/30lb

3 Chest to bar pull ups

6 Dumbbell Squat cleans 40/30lb

6 Chest to bar pull ups

9 Dumbbell Squat cleans 40/30lb

9 Chest to bar pull ups

12 Dumbbell Squat cleans 40/30lb

12 Chest to bar pull ups

Continue as long as you can in the 10 minutes adding three reps to the round you just finished as in the example above.

So next round would be 15's then 18's and so on......

Dumbbell squat cleans start on the floor and ends when lifter is standing all the way up and hips are locked out before the weight is lowered.