Friday, July 10, 2015

Forgot to post: Gym opens at 7:00 am tomorrow. FullSizeRender 10 FullSizeRender 11

I have had a great time the past 2 weeks working with everyone. All of you deserve a pat on the back for your dedication to fitness and your  progress in CrossFit. I hope you enjoyed the programming...  I have tried to inject some fun to go along with the hard work each of you have done. Time to turn the reigns back over to Jason... and continue toward our goals.

Last week we had some fun on the 4th! Today's WOD was my backup for that day if we didn't have enough folks for teams... thanks for your support, we had 4 teams of 4 and some help managing the event.

Warm Up - include Strict Pull-up progression

"Four rounds of 4 for the 4th!!!!"

Report total reps for this WOD

4 Rounds of...

1 minute Kettle bell swings (55/35)

1 minute Box Jumps (24/20)

1 minute Push Ups

1 minute Double unders (2 singles for each DU)

Rest 1 minute