
Please watch the above video. If you cannot view it from your device, we have a PC at the gym that will allow you to watch it: Pay close attention to the path of the bar in the video.It moves in a fairly straight line from the floor, to the rack position and then overhead.  I have noticed a bad trend lately with some of you lifters. I have seen a problem with the lifter pausing (briefly) midway up the pull and then the lifter pulling the barbell into the hips instead of the hips going forward to meet the bar. The bar should remain in a constant upward path and the hips should reach a full extension to cause that upward movement.

Good luck today!




Front Squat 3,3,3,3+ (70,80,80,90%)

EMOM for 14 minutes

Clean 2 reps on the minute add weight as necessary, you may repeat weight: you do not have to add weight every round.


Post heaviest 2 reps to WODHOPPER!!