

Christmas Eve 9am until noon…

Christmas Day CLOSED

Day after Christmas TBD

New Years Eve TBD

New Years Day Closed

2nd of January….. Again Post to comments what works for you.

Group Warm Up!!

On the 11th Day of Christmas My true love said to me:

11 GHD sit ups

10 Wall Balls

9 kettlebell swing

8 Grasshoppers

7 Pull Ups

6 Walking lunges

5 Burpees!

4 Front Squats

3 Box jumps,

2 wall climbs (walkouts if you like),

1 power Clean (any weight)


Push or Split jerk 2,2,2,2,2 all at 85% of MAX

Deadlift 2,2,2,2,2 all 5 rounds at 90% of base.




50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds of

Double Unders

Sit Ups