/Veterans Day!! Group Warm Up!
4 Rounds for time* of:
11 Power snatch 75/50lb (burpees)
11 Kettlebell Swing 55/35 (burpees)
11 Wall ball 20/14 (burpees)
*There is a catch...... Once you have started an exercise at the next minute you will do 11 burpees. You only have to do the 11 burpees one time per that exercise in that round. Once you complete the burpees and the exercise for that round is complete you may rest as long as needed before you begin the next exercise with no burpees. But once you begin the next exercise the following minute you will complete 11 burpees. Here is an example:
John Doe starts the WOD and completes the 11 power snatches, and has 20 seconds left before the minute is up so he goes on to kettlebell Swings, at the next minute he has to complete 11 burpees whether he has finished the swings or not. Then once he has started the Wall balls on the very next minute he has to complete 11 burpees again. If he decided to rest instead of starting the wall balls he would not have to do the burpees that next minute only after he starts the wall balls will he have to complete the burpees on the next minute. So basically you could complete 2 exercises in a minute and only have to do 11 burpees for those 2 exercises. If you rest too much per set of exercises you will be doing a lot of burpees.
IF you are fast enough and plan it correctly you could only have to do 11 burpees per round.