/Murph For Miller is next week! Follow this link if you plan on going out to CrossFit Tri Citites in Saint Charles to participate there. Otherwise we will be an overflow gym here on Friday the 23rd or Saturday the 24th for anyone who cannot or does not want to go to Saint Charles to do it. All donations will go to The SSG Robert J. Miller Home in Wheaton this home is designed to successfully transition homeless veterans back into society. To read more about SSG Robert J. Miller follow this link.
Participation is optional, so is donating. You may donate and not participate and you may participate and do a 1000 burpees instead of donating (just kidding).
Tomorrow: Saturday we will be having an open gym from 9:30-11 and then it will be a Family WOD from 11-Noon.
So Day ONE of the Paleo challenge has passed. What have you changed and what difficulties are you facing?
If you missed "Jackie" and are planning to do the Paleo challenge you will need to make it up either Friday or Saturday.
5 rounds for time of:
15 ring rows
15 kettlebell clean and jerks Right arm 55/35lb
15 push ups (chest to the floor, hips and thighs are not your chest)
15 Kettlebell clean and jerk left arm 55/35lb
Set up rings and box such that heels are at the height of the bottom of the rings.
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