
This week is the first week of the CrossFit Open. You need to sign up if you have not yet. They will be posting 14.1 Open WOD tonight! You have until Monday to sign up for the Open. Please do so! We will be following the WOD’s as close as possible for the next 5 weeks. We will be doing the Open WOD’s on each


If you cannot make it Friday or Saturday you have until Monday by 18:30 (6:30pm for you civilian minded) to complete it. I will not encourage anyone to repeat an Open WOD to try and better your score, if you disagree, then we can discuss further. Also, I would encourage you to make up any max efforts that we would normally do during the week on Saturday.

Please post questions to comments or talk to one of your awesome CrossFit Carol Stream coaches.

Today we will be focusing on Agility Drills, Mobility, and working out any issues (fitness related) we might have.

Drills posted on whiteboard. It is NOT a WOD but more for movement and active rest.