

Burpee Challenge Day: 90

I have to say, I have never liked Hummus. I have always thought that humm was a stupid excuse to eat crackers. until I ate some of Kathy Kelly's homemade paleo hummus!! It was outstanding!! I highly recommend everyone try it.

Also, we have had a couple of missing wedding rings at our gym. I am now under the suspicion that someone has stolen these rings. If this is true, I am appalled to think that a CrossFitter would do that to anyone. I know there is always going to be a bad apple in any group, but we are a community of integrity and respect for one another. We sweat and grunt through these WOD's together. We laugh with each other, we have cried for one another. Why would someone STEAL from another? What is wrong with that person? Do we not have integrity? Honestly if this person stole because they needed the money, they should have came to me first and I would have helped you out of my own pocket if need be!! In fact I know for certain that the two people that have had their rings stolen would have helped you as well... if you would have just asked. Please return the rings to their rightful owner, or to me and I will return them, and you can be forgiven. We are a community of good people don't forget that, don't lose that.......
