And athletes cannot win the prize unless they follow the rules.
2 Timothy 2:5
The PRIZE in CrossFit is basically completing a goal. Which could be setting a PR on a lift, completing a long term goal like getting your first pull up, or 'winning' the WOD for that class or day.
The prize is not worth it if you do not follow the rules or have to cut corners. By letting pride get in the way, or simply not do the required work to finish the job- i.e. not doing all the repetitions in a WOD. Who cares if you win then, and trust me your peers know if you are 'cheating'...
Another rule to follow is ALWAYS use good form. This sounds pretty simple, and seems pretty basic, but I have seen to often where athletes sacrifice form just to finish the WOD. If you think that doing it wrong is easier when tired this is false by the way. Doing it wrong will actually fatigue you more by using other muscle groups or not enough to compensate for poor form. Sacrificing form is never an option.
Its OK to be competitive, but not at the expense of doing it right, whatever that may be.
5 rounds for time of:
70/55 lb 1 arm overhead walk 40 meters
30 wall balls 20/16lb ball
heavy farmers walk (both hands) 40 meters
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