/4 x AMRAP 4:
3 hang power cleans (65/95 lb)
6 shoulder-to-overheads
9 lateral burpees over the bar
6 pull-ups
– Rest 2:00 between rounds.
4 x AMRAP 4:
3 hang power cleans (65/95 lb)
6 shoulder-to-overheads
9 lateral burpees over the bar
6 pull-ups
– Rest 2:00 between rounds.
On the 12th Day of Christmas My true love said to me:
12 Bear Crawls!!!!
11 GHD sit ups
10 Wall Balls 20/14
9 kettlebell swing
8 Grasshoppers
7 Pull Ups
6 Walking lunges
5 Burpees!
4 Front Squats 135/95lb
3 Box jumps 24/20
2 wall climbs
1 power Clean 135/95lb
Merry Christmas!!!!!!
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time:
5 sets:
3 back squats
– Build to a heavy set of 3 and maintain for all 5 sets.
Today's workout is a Hero workout written in honor of Army Sgt 1st Class Daniel Crabtree who was killed in Al Kut, Iraq on Thursday, June 8th, 2006.
For time:
50 pull-ups
400-m run
21 thrusters (65/95 lb)
800-m run
21 thrusters
400-m run
50 pull-ups
For time:
40 box jump-overs 24/20"
20 handstand push-ups
30 box jump-overs
15 handstand push-ups
20 box jump-overs
10 handstand push-ups
10 box jump-overs
5 handstand push-ups
– Step down from the box.
Post times to the Zen.
Every 1:30 for 6 rounds:
10 single-leg squats
10 sit-ups
Max burpees
– Rest 1:30 between rounds. Its a sprint!
EMOM 20:
2 thrusters
– Barbell starts on the floor. Add weight every 5:00.
Build to a heavy 2-rep thruster. Add weight every 5:00.
Try to keep all working sets above 70% of your 1-rep max.
Thrusters should be taken from the floor; the first rep can be a squat clean
Post loads to the Zen.
5 rounds for time:
15 push jerks 95/65lb
12 chest-to-bar pull-ups
9 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/65lb
Post times to the Zen.
On a 15 minute clock
40 bar Facing burpees
40 Wall ball shots 20/14lb 10/9' targets
800m run
Max Reps hang squat cleans 135/95lb in the remaining time.
Post total reps completed to the Zen.
AMRAP in 10 minutes
10/7 Calories Row or bike (or both)
5 Shuttle runs
-1 shuttle run is 25ft out and 25ft back.
Post workout:
accumulate 100 hollow rocks
Post total rounds and reps to Zen.
3 rounds for time:
400-m run
21 KB swings (35/53 lb)
12 pull-ups
3 rounds for time:
40 Russian KB swings 55/35lb
20 box jump-overs 24/20"
Post workout:
200-m single-arm DB overhead carry
– Switch arms as needed.
Post times to the Zen.
Every 2:00 for 6 rounds:
2 rope climbs (15 ft)
Max wall-ball shots in remaining time 20/14 10/9'
– Rest 1:00 between rounds; so, 2:00 of work + 1:00 rest each round.
9 ring dips
12 sumo deadlift high-pulls 95/65lb
Time Cap of 25 minutes:
2 rounds for time:
100-ft DB walking lunges 50/35lb
400-m run
7 wall walks
500/400m row
– Use two Dumbbells held in a farmers carry.
Post times to the Zen.
30 Clean and Jerks for time 135/95lb
Post times to the Zen.
EMOM 10:
Even: row for max calories
Odd: 25 double-unders
Rest 5:00
For time:
1-mile run
Post max calories and run time. If you do not complete 25 double is not Rx.
“The Chief”
5 rounds of AMRAP 3:
3 power cleans (95/135 lb)
6 push-ups
9 air squats
– Rest 1:00 between rounds.
Front squats
6 pull-ups
3 front squats 115/75lb
6 pull-ups
6 front squats
6 pull-ups
9 front squats
– Continue the pattern of adding 3-reps to the front squats until time expires.