Jump Into June Challenge

We figured you guys are burpee'd out by now so we'll give you something a little easier to manage. We did this last year and we had a lot of fun with it.

Our June challenge brings us lots of jumping and burning calories!! It starts on the 1st and runs through the 30th.

I know whenever I jump rope a lot my midsection just melts off the excess. I'm looking forward to this one. 😀

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Crossfit Burpee Challenge

burpees We begin a new month and it's so important to step back and look at everything you have accomplished so far this year. Be proud of it!! It's also important to evaluate what you still want to achieve. This helps us create new challenges for ourselves moving forward.

We're going to challenge ourselves this month with everyone's favorite... Burpees!! OK... OK... don't cringe...




The burpee was created in the 1930s by Royal Burpee. He developed the burpee test and it was used to test the fitness level of recruits entering the military during WWII. It's improves and tests strength, agility and coordination.

Burpees are challenging, and of course can be tiring, but there's no question they are effective!

Let's take it to the next level this month, surprise yourself, grab a partner, and together kick it up a notch!


HOW TO BURPEE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uX1IfVFkm6s


Choose With or Without A Partner


A classic Burpee is a squat, jump out to plank, push-up, jump back to squat position, jump at the top (no jumping jack at top!)

During this challenge you can do any type of Burpee you'd like! Make it challenging especially during the first week when the rep numbers of LOW.


During workouts, incorporate Burpees, include them in your warm-ups, and definitely don't let a day go by over the next 30 days without doing Burpees!!

The goal is to do the number of Burpees corresponding with the date. So Day 1 do 1 Burpee, Day 2, do 2 Burpees... Day 3 - 3 Burpees, etc. If you complete this challenge you will be doing 496 Burpees!

**STEP IT UP: If you're "ADVANCED", do double the count on each day.

Take it to the EXTREME by doing Man-Makers for the first half of the month!!



burpees nowFor these you start by facing your partner. You both come down to floor and jump your feet out to plank position. Instead of push-up, clap your partner’s opposite hands (R/L). Jump feet in, clap hands at the top (double high five). For even more of a challenge throw a pushup in the mix between hand claps!! 

The goal is highest total number of Burpees and highest number of consecutive Burpees at one time.