
All week we have had a ‘ladder’ theme for the workouts. Today is no different.

“Up and Down the Ladder”

With a continuously running clock…

You will go up the ladder for 6 minutes doing the following
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,etc….rep rounds of: (each round completed is 10 less burpees you will have to do)

Deadlift, 115/80lb
Hang Power Clean 115/80lb
Push Press/Jerk 115/80lb

At 6 minutes you will complete 100 burpees (minus what your rounds equal). Then once your burpees are complete you will go back down the ladder from where you completed in the first 6 minutes. This portion is for time.

Example…. you completed in 6 minutes all of the 7 deads, cleans and jerks, then you will only have to do 30 burpees. After the burpees are completed you will then begin the ladder going down with the round of 7 reps….

Post rounds and time to the Zen and the whiteboard.