/“We are practicing not weightlifting but commitment. Commitment spawns success. Only by redoubling our efforts do we best succeed. Expecting success to motivate our efforts is the loser’s gambit.” Greg Glassman
5 Rounds EACH for time and load of:
1 Clean (squat) and Jerk
1 Clean (squat) and Jerk adding 5-10lbs
1 Clean (squat) and Jerk, adding 5-10lbs
Rest as needed between rounds. Change the loads quickly, and each round reduce the weight for the first rep. You may use the same ‘first rep’ as the round before or go up. Example 1st round 50,55,60lb then second round 55,65,70lbs…..etc.
Total time and total loads will be posted to whiteboard.
Conditioning: 50 Single leg alternating V-ups (right and left is one). Raise one leg and reach with both hands to your calve or ankle and touch.
50 Supermans, reverse hypers or hip extensions on GHD. You pick or mix how you desire.
Post loads to the Zen.