In 20 minutes complete the following:
Run 200m (or Row 250)
10 Power Snatches
Run 200m (or Row 250)
8 Power Snatches
Run 200m (or Row 250)
6 Power Snatches
Run 200m (or Row 250)
4 Power Snatches
Run 200m (or Row 250)
2 Power Snatches
Run 200m (or Row 250)
1 Power Snatch
Go as heavy as you can each round based on the rep scheme. The goal is to get through the first 5 rounds with enough time to complete a couple of the β1 repβ rounds. You will repeat the 1 Rep round as many times as necessary until the time ends. There is no Rx weight,
Score is based on TOTAL weight lifted, and TOTAL rounds completed.