/This week on Friday and Saturday is "Murph for Miller." Every year for the past 10 years our friends in Saint Charles CrossFit Tri-Cities have been hosting "Murph for Miller" and we have been acting as a satellite gym for anyone who cannot find the time to head out that way to be able to participate in this great workout for a good cause. This year we would like to raise more than $500. All proceeds are donated to the Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans. Please ask Jason for more information. There is no cost to do the WOD, we only ask for a donation of any amount but do not expect anything. WOD
For time (there is a 30 minute time cap) 100 chest-to-bar pull-ups 100 handstand push-ups (for a mod, do inverted presses from bodyweight strength program) 100 GHD sit-ups 100 one-legged squats, alternating (50 per leg)
You may partition the reps however you would like.
Post times to the Zen.