/Bodyweight Strength Program Week 4 Day 5.
Then join in on the CrossFit LiftOff!
Rx'd Workout
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
25 pull-ups
50-calorie row
100 overhead squats
50 box jumps
25 pull-ups M 45-lb. barbell and 24-in. box
F 35-lb. barbell and 20-in. box
Scaled Workout
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
25 jumping pull-ups
50-calorie row
100 overhead squats
50 box jumps
25 jumping pull-ups M 45-lb. barbell and 24-in. box
F 35-lb. barbell and 20-in. box
At the call of “3, 2, 1 … go,” the athlete will begin the pull-ups. After finishing 25 reps, the athlete will move to the rower and pull until 50 calories are complete. The athlete will then perform 100 overhead squats followed by 50 box jumps before returning to the pull-up bar and completing 25 pull-ups. The next round begins with 25 more pull-ups. The athlete’s score will be the total number of repetitions completed within the 15-minute time cap. Immediately before or after the athlete’s performance of the event, the athlete must weigh in either with a judge or on video. See the Liftoff rulebook for weigh-in protocol.