
This Friday is Murph for Miller!! This is a serious WOD that serves a serious purpose. Donations will be accepted and given to the Midwest Homeless Veterans Shelter a local charity that provides housing and support to service men and women in our area. Our friends at CrossFit Tri-Cities have hosted this even for the past 9 years and we have been acting like a satellite location to anyone that is not willing to make the trip to St. Charles for their event. All are welcome to participate in this event.

You can read about SSG. Rob Miller here. 

Here is the bio on Lt. Micheal “Murph” Murphy (SEAL).

We will be CLOSED on Monday Memorial Day to honor the fallen.

We now have a Forum set up where Mike and I will be posting topics for a Q&A and just general fitness information. You can find Mikes forum by clicking HERE.

Roll out those Glutes and hamstrings!!!


12 minute amrap of:

5 Foward rolls

10 Grasshoppers

15 Sit ups

Post rounds to WODHOPPER!!!!