
This Friday is Murph for Miller!! This is a serious WOD that serves a serious purpose. Donations will be accepted and given to the Midwest Homeless Veterans Shelter a local charity that provides housing and support to service men and women in our area. Our friends at CrossFit Tri-Cities have hosted this even for the past 9 years and we have been acting like a satellite location to anyone that is not willing to make the trip to St. Charles for their event. All are welcome to participate in this event. Powerlifting:

Back Squat 5,3,3,1,1+


Clean 4x2@ 85%

Clean Pull 3x3 @ 105%

Back Squat 4x2 @85%


AMRAP in 10 minutes of:

10 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20"

20 Russian Swings "Heavy"

Post Loads and rounds to WODHOPPER!!!