
One more week of Open WOD's and following CrossFit HQ's programming. Awesome job so far to everyone that has been sticking with it and participating with the Open workouts. What a lot of energy everyone has brought to the gym!


For time: 20/14-lb. medicine ball cleans, 42 reps 21 Dumbbell bench press on med ball 55/40lb (put shoulder blades on med ball then elevate hips off of ground) 20/14-lb. medicine ball cleans, 30 reps 15 Dumbbell bench press on med ball 55/40lb (put shoulder blades on med ball then elevate hips off of ground) 20/14-lb. medicine ball cleans, 18 reps 9 Dumbbell bench press on med ball 55/40lb (put shoulder blades on med ball then elevate hips off of ground)

Post time to WODHOPPER!!