
Weightlifting: Hang Snatch 3x3 @ 85% (of 1 rep max)

Hang Snatch Pull 3x3 @ 100%

Front Squat 3x3 @ 80% (do not use your base#, go deep and pause at bottom)

Power Lifting:

Front Squat 5,5,5,5,5+



On an 8-minute running clock, perform 1 minute each of: Squats Push-ups (chest to deck for every rep) 20-inch box jumps (everyone will use the 20" box) Pull-ups Inverted burpees Wall-ball shots, 20/14-lb. ball (everyone will throw to the 10' line not the 9' line) Burpees Double-unders

When moving quickly through repetitions in body weight exercises it is much easier to 'cut corners' to complete reps quickly; the open is right around the corner so maintain standards that we are always preaching so it will not be so difficult when there are judges watching every repetition.

Post reps completed for each exercise, and total reps completed to WODHOPPER!!!!