
team wod I hope everyone had a great weekend! Thank you for everyone that came out for the TEAM WOD on Saturday, it was a lot of fun!!


AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

5 Wall Climbs*

10 Tuck Jumps**

20 Grasshoppers***

Please read movement standards:

*With the wall climb, every rep starts and ends with the chest on the floor. Also the chest (not the hips or stomach) must touch the wall to be considered Rx.

**The tuck jump is a great way to develop the power needed for good double unders. The standard is the toes must be touched in front of the body, do not donkey kick.

***The Grasshopper is considered Rx when your SHIN touches your forearm  perpendicularly. The foot must break the plane the outside of your forearm. 


Post rounds and fractions of rounds to WODHOPPER!!!