/The Regional competition for the Masters division starts today. Our very own Kathy McNulty has qualified to compete in the competition finishing 172nd in the world. So below are the four WOD's she has to do by Monday. You have the opportunity to do the workouts with her in spirit or in person. So pick your poison!!
Event 1
Complete as many reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
5 muscle-ups 10 cleans
Men use 155 lb. Women use 105 lb.
Event 2
1-rep-max snatch
Event 3
2 rounds for time of: 1,000-meter row 50 thrusters 30 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Men use 65 lb. Women use 45 lb.
Event 4
21-15-9 reps for time of: Deadlifts Box jumps Handstand push-ups
Men use 225 lb., 24-inch box Women use 155 lb., 20-inch box