
I am sorry to report that on Monday at 4:20 in the afternoon Mike's mom passed away at her home. She had a long life and although I never met the woman, if Mike is a reflection of her than I am positive she will be greatly missed. The gym will be closed today for the afternoon classes during the visitation services. The address for the Wake is:

Lawrence Funeral Home

4800 N Austin Ave.

Chicago, Il.

773 736-2300



Deadlift 3,3,3,3,3 all rounds done at 84% of base



3 rounds for time of:

15 Hang Power Cleans 135/95lb*

15 burpees

Post loads and times to WODHOPPER!!

*The end of the repetition for the Hang power clean and the Power clean is when hips, legs and shoulders are all in line with each other (fully locked out) and elbows are forward of the bar. I have noticed the lack of lifting the elbows up in the power clean is becoming more commonplace, lets keep our standards high we are better than that!!