
ATTENTION we will be closed on Saturday because we will be attending the HotShots 19 WOD at Fire Force CrossFit  in Elmhurst.

WE WILL BE OPEN on Monday from 9-noon.


Friday (today) we will be running an Open Gym Style.

Suggested lifts to work on:

Deadlift 5,3,1+

Snatch Grip Deadlift 3,3,3+ (110,120 &130% of your 1 rep max)


1. Row 500m x4 with 2:00 minute rest between rounds.


2. 3 rounds for time of:

100 feet of walking lunge

30 Grasshoppers

Run 400m



For time:

Run to Gary Ave.

10 Tire Flips

20 Sledgehammer Strikes

10 tire flips

Run to Gary ave.



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