
I want to remind everyone the Mike D. is running his 100 miler this weekend for PADS.
Please be kind and donate.....

Hi Everyone,
We are planning a huge (I hope) garage sale to be held on Saturday, June 8, 8 am – 4 pm.  I thought this would be a great way to support Mike and Jason in their new business.  Joanie has graciously offered her garage/yard for this event.  If you are interested in participating, we could use your help with any of the following:

1)   1.  Donations: Clean out the clutter in your closets and basement!  Anything you think would sell is welcome.  Clothing, toys, household goods, etc.  Preferably clean and in good condition.
2)  2.   Lend a canopy in case of rain.
3)   3.  Help on Friday, June 7 with organizing and pricing the items.
4)    4. Help on Saturday at the sale for an hour or two.  Set-up will begin at 7am.
5)    5. Come to the sale to shop! We will also advertise in the newspaper.
6)    6. Help afterward with disposition of unsold items (I propose we donate to a local resale shop.)

Further details, including when and where to drop off donations, as well as my contact information will be available by Tuesday at the gym.  Let’s make this a great team effort, for a worthy cause!
Sue R.

Today is Sue R.'s birthday. For our max effort we will be doing AMRAP in 50 seconds BURPEES!!
What ever number you reach you will have to complet to 50 for time. 

EXAMPLE: if you do 10 burpees in 50 seconds then you will have to complete 40 for time. Both scores will be posted on board.

3 rounds for time of:
run 800m
21 hang power snatches 75/50lb

post loads and times to comments....