
I would like to apologize for any inconvenience for closing last night. I did not really have a choice due to weather. You will have an opportunity to make up your MAX EFFORT from Tuesday and the WOD if so desired.  

We will be hosting the "open" every week for the next 6 weeks. Please sign up and participate. It is a great way to take your competitiveness to the next level. It is the 'icing' on the cake.
The first workout for the open will be posted on Wednesday March 6. We will tentatively be doing it Thursday March 7.

Deadlift 1 rep max

Row 500m for time
Then complete 15 Turkish Get ups to accumulate as much weight as possible. You will have a 10 minute time limit from the moment you finish your row.
It will be scored as so:
Row time:
TGU total weight lifted in 10 minute 15 rep limit. 

Post times and loads to comments....