
Front Squat 3,3,3+ 


The following exercises
Box jump 24/18
Sit up
Double under

Will be done in 1 minute, 2 minute and 3 minute sets with a 1 minute rest between rounds for 3 rounds. Only one exercise will be done for each set. And you can only do each exercise for a total of 6 minutes.
1 minute of double unders
2 minutes of sit ups
3 minutes of box jumps
rest 1 minute
1 minute of box jumps
2 minutes of double unders
3 minutes of sit ups
1 minute of sit ups
2 minutes of box jumps...etc....

You may do any order you like, but you HAVE to have an equal amount of time for each exercise.
This WOD will be scored by TOTAL# of reps done for the 18 minutes of work.

Post loads and scores to comments......