Cat-Man! Not seen is his tail and or the questionably legal bag of catnip!
AMRAP in 20 minutes of
5 Grasshoppers
5 Spiders (to be counted same way as grasshoppers)
5 Supermans* (to be demonstrated in class)
5 up-downs
Every round you complete you will add 5 reps to each exercise for the next round.
Example the first round you do:
5 Grasshoppers
5 Spiders
5 Supermans
5 up-downs
2 round you will do
10 Grasshoppers
10 Spiders
10 Supermans
10 up-downs
3 round
15 Grasshoppers
15 Spiders
15 Supermans
15 up-downs etc........