
Squat Clean 5,5,5...40% 50% 60%

for time:
Run 400m
30 squat cleans 95/65*
run 400m
20 squat cleans 95/65*
run 400m
10 squat cleans 95/65*

* You have to do as many squat cleans as possible without putting the bar down. Reps must be touch and go. IF you 'fail' then for the amount of squat cleans that you did not finish you will have to do as many pull ups. Then come back to the bar and finish the round of squat cleans. The remaining squat cleans may be done as needed.

Example: The first round- Athlete completes 14 squat cleans without 'fail' on the 15th the athlete 'fails on the lift, The athlete will then have to do 16 pull ups before the athlete may continue with the 16 squat cleans. BUT, the next 16 squat cleans maybe broken up as much as needed.

Post times and amount of pull ups completed to comments....
