
This Saturday at 2pm, Mathy and Lenny have offered to host a CrossFit Games party Saturday July 30th. We will be watching the games and having a good time. PLEASE let me know who is attending. Bring a dish to pass and BYOB (bring your own beverage).
Their address is posted on the Whiteboard at the gym.

We have another birthday amongst us.
Jon is going to be 36 so.... here is the WOD.

You may do the exercises in any order, but once an exercise is started it must be completed before moving onto the next one.

36 reps of dumbbell squat clean 40/25
36 pull ups
360m run
36 burpees
36 box jumps 24/18
750m row
36 wall balls
36 double unders
Oh and Jon because it is your birthday you may omit one exercise from this WOD.

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