
Deadlift 3,3,3+

1000m row
deadlift 135/95lbs 50 reps*

After the athlete finishes the 1000m row, they will have to complete 50 deadlifts, BUT every minute on the minute they will have to perform 5 burpees on the spot. This WOD will be scored on total time. The burpee timer will begin after the first deadlift is completed. So, if you finish your row with only a few seconds remaining on the minute, you will not have to do any burpees until the next minute passes. UNLESS you do a deadlift before the minute has changed. i.e.... finish rowing at 3:51, get off rower and arrive at your bar at 3:59 but do not lift it, then you are burpee clear until the next minute passes....Good luck and have fun.

Post loads, times and how much you love burpees to comments.