Our goal at CrossFit Carol Stream is to bring fitness to as many individuals as we can; to work with any individual who willingly accepts the challenges inherent in the program itself. First and foremost, we are dedicated to using the CrossFit principles and methods to achieve fitness. Our programming focuses on the use of functional movements to attain physical fitness. By working with us on a regular basis we are confident you will see changes in your physical appearance, and attest to positive changes in your attitude and mental capacity.
We believe CrossFit may suit many individuals regardless of their current physical conditioning, from the person who has never touched a barbell in their life to the accomplished athlete. CrossFit is a phenomenon that revolutionized the fitness industry by proposing changes in methods and intensity, getting individuals to peak physical condition in a relatively short period of time. Every workout session is managed by a CrossFit certified coach. We will individualize our program for you, on the spot, assuring you success at the movements that make up CrossFit. So whether you are just getting started and need your workout scaled or you are a seasoned and conditioned athlete doing workouts as prescribed, CrossFit Carol Stream has something to offer you!
Fitness is a journey that we are all taking... the camaraderie experienced through the CrossFit program is truly unique, everyone knows your name, everyone knows your pain, everyone works to accomplish their individual goals in a group setting. Simple, short, intense... that's CrossFit!
Welcome to CrossFit Carol Stream! We would be happy to have you join our community and experience for yourself what CrossFit is all about. Let's get started.