Mike Pajor Coach/Owner

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CrossFit Level I

CrossFit Level II

Functional Aging Institute Certified

USA Weightlifting Sports Performance

Certified CPR/AED Cert

Why do you practice CrossFit?

When you reach my age and look around at friends and colleagues and even some past due rock stars you clearly see the effects of not only aging but poor diet and hard living. Having "worked out" for the vast majority of my adult life by running / jogging I thought I was staying fit. Not so! In 4 short years of CrossFit the results I have experienced, personally, are beyond comparison and expectation. CrossFit has provided me with a new body and a renewed spirit. If ever there would be a fountain of youth, this is it!

What is most rewarding?

Friends! Who would have ever thought I would be making new friends at this stage in my life. Bonding with people performing physical feats that test your limits is a rewarding experience. I am humbled and amazed by the capacity of the human body but even more so by the power of the mind to take you beyond your recognizable limits. Each and every athlete I encounter while doing CrossFit has their own story and I am grateful to be associated with each and every member of our community. I thank each of these individuals for doing what they do.

What do you find most beneficial?

Once you begin practicing CrossFit you realize benefits that are most times not readily describable! Little things, here and there, your ability to perform daily tasks without the difficult drudgery but rather as a real, albeit small, test of your fitness. Increases in your strength, stamina, and your mental capacity and alertness are evident within a short period of practice. Without sounding too evangelical, CrossFit's tag line of "Making People Better" is true and regularly observable.

How does that translate into your coaching approach?

I consider myself a student of CrossFit and of fitness generally. Putting in the time reviewing articles, reading applicable texts and continuing the education process is very important to me. I firmly believe that CrossFit is a program that is applicable to anyone and can be practiced by most, regardless of your current ability. Coaching gives me an opportunity to help individuals enjoy this form of exercise with guidance. My personal practice of CrossFit only attests to my concern for form and performing movements with control. I try to reflect that in my coaching. As I too am a student of this sport, I will continue to educate myself and search for methods that will assist you in improving your performance.
